Q&A With Marc Okimura

Q&A With Marc Okimura

Junior swimmer Marc Okimura is off to a strong start to the season as he looks to improve upon a memorable sophomore campaign.  Okimura is one of the conference's top competitors in the 100 and 200 breaststroke events and looks to earn a trip to the NCAA Championships in both events.  In addition, Okimura has assumed the role of a captain on this year's Leopard Swim & Dive team.

Q: How do you think the Leopards will fare within the competitive SCIAC during the remainder of the season?

I would like to think we will be a force to be reckoned with. We have a lot of talent on our team, we are hard working, and we will be prepared for what other teams will bring to the table. 

Q: What are your individual goals for this season? 

My first goal is that I want to be a good leader, influence, and be a good role model to my team. The label of captain is just a mere title if my actions do not reflect my name, anyone can do my job, but I want to prove that I received this title for a reason by taking care of my team. I want to influence them that we are all leaders in our own way, all we need to do is figure out how we can contribute to bettering our team.  Second, I want to go to Texas this year for the NCAA Division III National meet for my 100 and 200 yard breaststroke to represent this school to make other schools and individuals recognize who we are as an organization. 

Q: How old were you when you first started swimming?

When I first started swimming competitively, I was 9 years old and I have been swimming ever since.

Q: How has you improved as an athlete during your tenure at La Verne?

I have learned how to lead peers my age with confidence that they trust in me. I have also became a better swimmer with a more disciplined practice regiment. The change of having Pat (Skehan) as our head coach has been a huge leap for my swimming. She understands how to work me hard enough to push me beyond my limits but without my spirit dying out. I appreciate everything she has done for me.

Q: In the last year, what have you done (in or out of the pool) that you are most proud of?

In the last year, I received the Scholar-Athlete Award and that was definitely a highlight of my college career given my busy swim schedule.  I am glad to give people hope that I can achieve great things when I put my soul and abilities into whatever I attempt to conquer.

Q: How do you get pumped up for a meet?

My appreciation for those who support me is the key to my success. One friend in particular, who is not with us anymore, was my best friend and my greatest foe in the pool. We have swam together ever since I was 11 years old and the way I get pumped up for my races is thinking about how blessed I am to have him in my life and for him to be carrying me on his shoulders to reach success. He is the soul reason I still swim today.

Q:  What’s your favorite part about the University of La Verne?

My favorite part about the University is how tight niche this school is. Since it is a small school, the environment allows you bond with a lot of people on a personal level. We support each other which makes us stronger as a school. Even the teachers have a tight bond with students which I believe differs from a much larger institution.  At La Verne, everyone matters.


Q: What is the one material object in your life that you could absolutely not live without?

One material object I cannot do without is my iPhone because it contains all the music I enjoy listening to that help me get through each and every day.   "Music is what feelings sound like" - Angela Monet

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

In my spare time I like to body surf, surf and body board. Most of all, I enjoy eating all the ono (good tasting) food especially when I'm back home in Hawaii. I also like to watch various television shows and write poetry.

Q:  What are your immediate plans once you graduate from the University of La Verne?

Upon graduation, I will either try my luck in Los Angeles trying to become an actor or any suitable job, or I will return home and figure out a plan back there.